Its been a while since my last post, so time for an update!
Albion, on the WW&F begins.....
This summer, I inadvertently was once again bitten by the two-foot bug. I injured my back and was not able to bend over to complete the changes on the Deer Creek and Laurel that I had desired. I started looking at some books and information on the Wiscasset Waterville and Farmington Railroad, a two-footer in Maine. Interest increased the more I looked into it, more books purchased, then a track plan for a module, then lumber, then some kits........
About 5-7 years ago, I sold off 90% of my two foot equipment. Frustrated with its performance and well entrenched with my On3 layout, I sold or traded my cars and all but one locomotive, which needed a little work before re-sale. Now I have re-motored that engine and will begin installing DCC and sound, then painting. Not sure how this interest has manifested into all my current modeling time and effort.
Differences this time?
Precision Scale flextrack and Fasttracks No. 8 turnouts and 42 inch minimum radius curves.
No handlaying track this time, no building turnouts on the workbench and trying to get them to fit, no kadee uncoupling magnets under the track, no heavy wood and plywood benchwork. Good, reliable turnouts, light benchwork, modular construction, reliable track, and more experience.
I've built two modules using some old standards I pulled off a Texas On30 module group on Yahoo. They use 2 -inch foam, a little plywood and MDF. I have found them to be good, reliable and light methods. They have been updated to use plywood under the 2-inch foam, so I gave it a try. Results - I think the extra 1/4-inch plywood is a waste of time and money. The 1/4-inch sandply is so flexable, more so than the 2-inch foam, that it doesn't provide any support to the center of the panel (flexing in the middle of the width of the module). I'm not even sure support is necessary, as I haven't had problems with my other modules but if there is a weak spot in design, I think this would be it. So, I added some 2-inch wide strips across the bottom to provide support. I think I will do this if there are any future modules and leave the 1/4-inch ply on the bottom off.

I tried out a different type of adhesive this time, a Loctite product. It was much more difficult to apply, much thicker and required a lot of pressure on the applicator. However, it does appear to provide a stronger bond than the Liquid nails projects adhesive. I think I'll use liquid nails for large areas and the Loctite product for ends and sides.
Had some issues (imagine that) with the foam panel sitting flat. One edge dried with an edge raised. So, I had to level this out with a knife and rasp. Ugh. Should have seen this when gluing it up. Sloppy work! A good craftsman is one that can recover from mistakes without remaking the part!
I have been avoiding painting several models lately, so the paintshop has quite a backorder list! I really need to get to painting as several new On2 cars need the painting step before progressing.
Here is a Train and Troll WW&F flatcar laser kit. It was a nice kit and went together fairly quickly. It was interesting to see how they planned the underbody construction. Nice to have all those holes for stake pockets, pre-cut for me. I have put two of these together and am working on two of their boxcars. Thanks to Train and Troll for some WW&F On2 car kits....
Here are four cars waiting to go to the paintshop. Two Train and Troll flats, one scratchbuilt 30-ft flat (will be a coal gondola) and a scratchbuilt (styrene) start of a Turner Center Dairy boxcar.
More as time permits.......