Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Albion Gets Some More Structures

Two Structures for Albion

While I missed posting in November, I have been very busy building structures. I recently finished my version of the ice house and the Tilton's Potato House for the Albion module. Only one more partial structure to go, the cannery. Here are some pictures of the two completed buildings. I also finished the station platform and have done some more work on the station roof. Shingles soon!

 I based my drawings for these structures off two photo's of Albion. The ice house and potato house are likely compressed but I was not able to find any dimensions in the literature for these structures. They look like they fit. Happy to be done with shingles for a while.......

Both started out with cardboard walls and roof. I added lots of wood bracing and primer to help reduce any warping.

I then shingled the ice house entirely but only the sides on Tilton's potato house. I thought shingling the roof the potato house and the ice house would be too much visually. After all the Albion potato house, engine house and roof of the station are shingled.

Here is Tilton's potato house. It is angled into the backdrop. I just didn't have room for the whole structure.