Progress on building 1/4 inch scale narrow gauge. My On3 layout is based on eastern logging and common carrier prototypes. Also working on an On2 module based on the WW&F and On30 module based on the Gilpin Tram
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
WW&F visits the SR&RL
Over the holiday I had the chance to visit with Al Cherella and his On2 SR&RL. A wonderful visit and a great layout. I brought along my WW&F No. 7 and some cars to share. I was able to run them from Rangley to Farmington and back, a loooooong run on Al's layout. Sure beat the 10ft back and forth on the switching module. Picked up some good tips on adding pickups my Car Works No. 7. A project I need to get done in 2019. Great conversation. Looking forward to maybe another visit next year..............Al asked if I had room to expand....................

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Western Expansion
I have been working on an addition to the Arroyo Tram, my On30 western mining excursion based loosely on the Gilpin Tram. The Gilpin Tram was a two foot mining railroad that connected with the Colorado Southern in Central City, Colorado. I've always enjoyed the Gilpin tram and at one time had a small On2 switching layout using some of the equipment.
I think the Gilpin Tram is a perfect fit for On30: Tight curves, lots of mines rather close together, lots of information and drawings of the equipment and buildings. There are ore cars available from GrandtLine, other similar cars from SlimRails, who also sells Gilpin style trucks, and shay conversion kits from Wiseman Model Services.
My addition started out as a 2 x 6 foot lightweight module base that I was going to use with a Virginia modular group. The group fell apart and I could never see myself going to trainshows just to hook up my modules. So, it has been sitting around just waiting to be used. I recently added the legs with rollers, which opened up its use for the Arroyo Expansion.
The expansion will include: A Gilpin Tram style engine house, a water tank, run around, storage track, blacksmith shop, firehouse, hardware store and assay office (last three will be kits from Wild West Models). It shouldn't take more than two years to get it all done! (At the rate I'm moving).
Here is what it looks like so far, turnouts and kits are "in the mail" so to speak.
I think the Gilpin Tram is a perfect fit for On30: Tight curves, lots of mines rather close together, lots of information and drawings of the equipment and buildings. There are ore cars available from GrandtLine, other similar cars from SlimRails, who also sells Gilpin style trucks, and shay conversion kits from Wiseman Model Services.
My addition started out as a 2 x 6 foot lightweight module base that I was going to use with a Virginia modular group. The group fell apart and I could never see myself going to trainshows just to hook up my modules. So, it has been sitting around just waiting to be used. I recently added the legs with rollers, which opened up its use for the Arroyo Expansion.
The expansion will include: A Gilpin Tram style engine house, a water tank, run around, storage track, blacksmith shop, firehouse, hardware store and assay office (last three will be kits from Wild West Models). It shouldn't take more than two years to get it all done! (At the rate I'm moving).
Here is what it looks like so far, turnouts and kits are "in the mail" so to speak.
Here is the Arroyo Tram II track plan
Monday, December 3, 2018
Tripple Gauge Progress
Wow, December is here! Time has flown by and I failed to get a post each month. So, a progress update. While the paint shop is still overloaded, I did manage to get something done for all three gauges. 1/4 inch scale, On3, On30, and On2.
First, the Arroyo Tram (On30) water car made it to the paint shop. Still needs lettering and weathering but is already busy hauling water to the mines that require a lower mineral content in their boiler water supply.
Next, I started a caboose kit a few weeks ago for the DC&L RY (On3). It is a laser kit by IMA, designed for On30/On3 use. The kit was close enough to the Tionesta Valley caboose that I have always liked, so I picked it up. Turns out the kit is similar to the TV caboose but not an exact copy. Comparisons to the drawing show minor differences. I doubt anyone will recognize the differences once built (few probably even know much about the TV RY). Several details are not included in the kit, such as end ladders, so I will have a little more work to do. Also need a better picture, it really isn't as short as it looks in the picture. More soon.
The never ending saga of the WW&F Combine continues. After painting the sides, I decided to do some repair work to fill air bubble holes and some missing door trim, then repaint the sides. Roof tin is next, then paint, then details, then paint, then windows, lettering and done!
Also underway is an 6 ft extension to the Arroyo Tram and a three cylinder conversion of the Bachmann shay. Pictures to come.......
First, the Arroyo Tram (On30) water car made it to the paint shop. Still needs lettering and weathering but is already busy hauling water to the mines that require a lower mineral content in their boiler water supply.
Next, I started a caboose kit a few weeks ago for the DC&L RY (On3). It is a laser kit by IMA, designed for On30/On3 use. The kit was close enough to the Tionesta Valley caboose that I have always liked, so I picked it up. Turns out the kit is similar to the TV caboose but not an exact copy. Comparisons to the drawing show minor differences. I doubt anyone will recognize the differences once built (few probably even know much about the TV RY). Several details are not included in the kit, such as end ladders, so I will have a little more work to do. Also need a better picture, it really isn't as short as it looks in the picture. More soon.
The never ending saga of the WW&F Combine continues. After painting the sides, I decided to do some repair work to fill air bubble holes and some missing door trim, then repaint the sides. Roof tin is next, then paint, then details, then paint, then windows, lettering and done!
Also underway is an 6 ft extension to the Arroyo Tram and a three cylinder conversion of the Bachmann shay. Pictures to come.......
Monday, November 5, 2018
Water to the Mines
After a long spell of no modeling, due to work and life, I finished up a kit that I started back in early August or late July. It is a Foothills Models On30 tank car. The kit is resin and comes complete with trucks and couplers. I very nice build with high quality resin castings (Foothills always has high quality resin castings).
I picked up the kit on eBay a while back. I wanted to have a way to haul water to some of the mines on the Arroyo Tram just as the Gilpin did for some mines on the Gilpin Tram. Once painted, this will be my water tanker till I get the time and energy to compete the Gilpin protype water tank car.
Great fun to be back at the workbench. Now off to the paint shop.........
I picked up the kit on eBay a while back. I wanted to have a way to haul water to some of the mines on the Arroyo Tram just as the Gilpin did for some mines on the Gilpin Tram. Once painted, this will be my water tanker till I get the time and energy to compete the Gilpin protype water tank car.
Great fun to be back at the workbench. Now off to the paint shop.........
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Contemplating the Breaker/Tipple
Been working lately on improving operations, especially for the coal train. My recent changes, opening up two tracks to connect with staging was done in preparation for the new coal breaker/tipple. The benchwork for the addition has been completed.
The space isn't perfect, as staging will be exposed on the right side but its something I think I can live with given the operational advantages.
Here is how the "bump" fits into the layout plan:
The prototype for my breaker/tipple is from a small semi-anthracite 36" gauge located about 20 miles away, in Pulaski, Va and at one time called Virginia Anthracite. I've been researching this line and it's two associated logging railroads. The tipple is actually the breaker/sorter and transfer to the standard gauge. You can see the prototype in the photo below. Note the Baldwin 0-6-0 saddle tank (converted into a 2-6-0). I used Sanborn insurance maps to get measurements of the building. Looks like I'll have to shrink it about 10% to get it to fit my space. Not bad.
The space isn't perfect, as staging will be exposed on the right side but its something I think I can live with given the operational advantages.
Here is how the "bump" fits into the layout plan:
The prototype for my breaker/tipple is from a small semi-anthracite 36" gauge located about 20 miles away, in Pulaski, Va and at one time called Virginia Anthracite. I've been researching this line and it's two associated logging railroads. The tipple is actually the breaker/sorter and transfer to the standard gauge. You can see the prototype in the photo below. Note the Baldwin 0-6-0 saddle tank (converted into a 2-6-0). I used Sanborn insurance maps to get measurements of the building. Looks like I'll have to shrink it about 10% to get it to fit my space. Not bad.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
A Look Back: Arroyo II
June was a very busy month and I wasn't able to get too much modeling done. Now that it is July, I realized that I failed to make a posting in June. I recently had a request to post the track plan for the "new" Arroyo On30 module, so I decided to provide a pictorial review over time. Enjoy!
February 2018 - Scenery is in, the St. Louis mine exterior is done, my version of the Whiting mine is well along and the portable staging/run around is completed.
July 2014 Beginnings - I dismantled my Mexicano Yucatan 30-inch prototype module and laid the new Gilpin style Arroyo.
December 2015 -Tack and land forms are down.
February 2016 - Bridges are in and a shay has been modified using a Wisemann Models kit
March 2016 - My version of the St Louis mine gets a body.
February 2018 - Scenery is in, the St. Louis mine exterior is done, my version of the Whiting mine is well along and the portable staging/run around is completed.

Monday, May 28, 2018
WW&F Combine
I received the replacement car sides for the WW&F based combine kit from GME a while ago. While cleaning off the workbench this weekend, I pulled out the new sides and started the kit. Having built two other GME passenger car/combine resin kits, this one went together fairly quickly.
The floor had warped, a common problem with resin kits, but the system I use to make the car sides and roof removable from the bottom helps to hold the bottom flat. No major issues with this build. I'll need to paint the car, then add the "tin" roof and roof details. A few minor touch up's will be required where the resin parts were chipped off. Overall, I think the car looks close enough to the WW&F combine to meet my needs. The trucks are Coronado scale models with Northwest Shortline metal wheelsets.
The floor had warped, a common problem with resin kits, but the system I use to make the car sides and roof removable from the bottom helps to hold the bottom flat. No major issues with this build. I'll need to paint the car, then add the "tin" roof and roof details. A few minor touch up's will be required where the resin parts were chipped off. Overall, I think the car looks close enough to the WW&F combine to meet my needs. The trucks are Coronado scale models with Northwest Shortline metal wheelsets.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Demise of Laurel Jct.
I finally got the nerve to cut through the wall separating Laurel from Laurel Jct (staging) on the DC&L Ry. Laurel Junction was never in the original plans and was born from the idea of adding staging below Collins when the Collins extension was built. At the time, I imagined that Laurel Junction was the standard gauge interchange just a few miles below Laurel. This allowed me to limit the opening into staging to one three rail track. I felt strongly that a larger opening would have been an eye sore. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Operations proved otherwise. Building trains in a space where it was difficult to get one's hands was troubling. Also, the tracks were located where I had space and were not ideally located for switching and staging. While staging definitely added to operations, in the sense of more cars and placed to put them, it also REDUCED operations in that trains were staged and ready for operators to leave Laurel Junction and head towards Deer Creek. I never liked this aspect of the staging yard. For such a small layout, I think it is important for operators to be able to make up their trains and head out. Gives them more work to do and assembling one's train is one of the basics of operation, especially on a point to point narrow gauge.
For the last few years, I have been looking for a location for the coal transfer. I finally gave up on trying to find the perfect spot and just decided to located it right at the end of the Laurel yard. The tipple will serve to block the big hole into staging, I hope. We'll see how it all looks. I already like the fact that I can now make up trains in Laurel to head out on the layout. I also now have better staging for the passenger equipment and cabooses. We'll see how it goes over at the next operating session, which of course, means I need to hold one..........
Operations proved otherwise. Building trains in a space where it was difficult to get one's hands was troubling. Also, the tracks were located where I had space and were not ideally located for switching and staging. While staging definitely added to operations, in the sense of more cars and placed to put them, it also REDUCED operations in that trains were staged and ready for operators to leave Laurel Junction and head towards Deer Creek. I never liked this aspect of the staging yard. For such a small layout, I think it is important for operators to be able to make up their trains and head out. Gives them more work to do and assembling one's train is one of the basics of operation, especially on a point to point narrow gauge.
For the last few years, I have been looking for a location for the coal transfer. I finally gave up on trying to find the perfect spot and just decided to located it right at the end of the Laurel yard. The tipple will serve to block the big hole into staging, I hope. We'll see how it all looks. I already like the fact that I can now make up trains in Laurel to head out on the layout. I also now have better staging for the passenger equipment and cabooses. We'll see how it goes over at the next operating session, which of course, means I need to hold one..........
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Times are a Chang'n
Its odd how this May seems to be a strong indication of the times, in the hobby at least. As a O scale narrow gauge modeler, times are definitely a chang'n. This month GrandtLine, a major supplier of parts for O, S, and HO narrow gauge parts has closed it's doors.
I have built several of the Grandt Line 8ton and 18 ton porters, dump cars, etc. but have mainly used their doors, windows, nut/bolt/washer details and many, many other offerings for details in my scratch built and kit-bashed projects. I see their closing as a major loss for scratch-builders. It looks like they may sell their line, but I doubt all the offerings will be available. Let's hope for the best. I'm sure its the end of the line for the wonderfully detailed porters.
When Grandt Line announced their closing, I first ordered a bunch of parts and then looked for future alternatives. Some parts, a few, are available from Tichy, some from Foothillls Models and then some from San Juan Car Company. But, alas, San Juan is for sale!!!
Hopefully, they will find a buyer. While I haven't purchased any of their kits or built up cars, I have found their trucks and parts very useful. Argh!
Then, realizing I'm loosing major suppliers for my hobby, I stopped by the Precision Scale Co website only to find, they have sold and are moving!!! Orders must be in by May 4th. Looks like the parts will be available but who knows if and when the entire line will be available. Quickly ordered some much needed shay parts before they might be gone??
I have built several of the Grandt Line 8ton and 18 ton porters, dump cars, etc. but have mainly used their doors, windows, nut/bolt/washer details and many, many other offerings for details in my scratch built and kit-bashed projects. I see their closing as a major loss for scratch-builders. It looks like they may sell their line, but I doubt all the offerings will be available. Let's hope for the best. I'm sure its the end of the line for the wonderfully detailed porters.
When Grandt Line announced their closing, I first ordered a bunch of parts and then looked for future alternatives. Some parts, a few, are available from Tichy, some from Foothillls Models and then some from San Juan Car Company. But, alas, San Juan is for sale!!!
Hopefully, they will find a buyer. While I haven't purchased any of their kits or built up cars, I have found their trucks and parts very useful. Argh!
Then, realizing I'm loosing major suppliers for my hobby, I stopped by the Precision Scale Co website only to find, they have sold and are moving!!! Orders must be in by May 4th. Looks like the parts will be available but who knows if and when the entire line will be available. Quickly ordered some much needed shay parts before they might be gone??
Much of these changes are due to those involved getting older and wishing to retire. I understand. But to me it is also a sign of the times. Less and less folks out there are building things. More and more folks in the hobby want pre-built, ready to run equipment. I was hoping the On30 surge would increase those out there building things but not enough, I guess?
In the end, life is all about change. Company's come and go. I'm glad to have purchased and used what these companies have offered and hope to purchase their parts from new suppliers. I hope that they will be available, as my interest in the hobby is more towards building than running. May is a tough month for us On3 and On2 modelers. Back to the workbench...............
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Tedious 8 Tonner
I've been working on a GrandtLine 8 ton Porter for the last 2-1/2 weeks. I purchased this porter about 15+ years ago from Coronado Scale models at the same time I picked up the 2-foot gauge Merced Gold Mining version of the engine. I built the Merced engine with a bit a difficulty and put this kit away for a rainy day.
For some reason, I pulled it out and decided to give it a go. Easy and smooth sailing for the most part. I went slow and worked a little at a time, using a highlighter to indicate what I had completed in the instructions. There were a few tense moments with some of the tiny details but I managed to get most of them in there. I was quite proud up to almost the end. Then, the motor......
The motor and gearbox are very small and are supposed to sit in the boiler. Fit fine, but work, nope. The boiler was too small, pressing on the side of the motor and the motor wouldn't turn. So, free handing some dremel work, I got the motor to fit. However, the gears weren't lining up appropriately due to some side torque when going in one direction with caused them to move on the drive train. Lots of fussing later, I used a pin (literally, a cut pin) to keep the gear in question from pushing off the shaft. This part was a real pain. I could get the gears and motor running smooth and easy out of the loco but as soon as I put it back together -grrrrrr. Must have had the thing about 50 times and it's not fun putting the rear firebox back on. Then I had to figure out how to hold the motor from moving since the boiler was now widened out so the motor would work. Managed to figure out a fix with styrene.
Finally, she runs with a LookSound decoder, not hooked up to a speaker yet. The decoder and wires are visible in the cab but will be hidden in a coal bunker. Not sure if I'll use the sound decoder as she's really, really noisy going forward. Not quite so bad in reverse but the gear noise is rather audible and would likely just make sound with a small speaker worthless. We'll see. Getting the thing running has been a real trial. I wanted to have the cab removable and smashed the delicate cab. Luckily, I only had to rebuild one of the rear sides. The rebuild looks ok. I might try to work on the gear alignment a little to see if I can get it quieted down and then decide on a small non-sound decoder or the LookSound decoder with a mini speaker. Not much room for the speaker or decoder much less all those wires. We'll see. Was it a fun build? Well, the first 7/8ths were delightful and fun. The last bit has been a trail of patience and while I'm happy to have the engine running, it's not as quiet or as smooth as hoped.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Some Boulder Valley Model 4 Wheel Cars
This weekend I finished up painting two Boulder Valley On30 4 wheel flat cars. I bought these a while back before they folded up shop. Thought they looked interesting. They were fun and fast to put together. Took me longer to paint them than to build them. I added a short strip of lead weight underneath the deck and body. They roll great. Nice little cars.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Arroyo Tram Gets a Staging Track
This weekend I manged to complete the long awaited staging track for On30 Arroyo Tram module.
I originally built the extension a bit too short to accommodate a run-around track, which made it less than ideal. Also, it had to propped up with something on one end, which made it impractical. So, I extended it 12-inches, and added foldable legs and wires to power the track.
The removable staging area will now be used until the layout gets completed and I start Phase II which will have a model of the Gilpin's enginehouse. A "someday" project.
Also, work continues on the On2 WW&F Albion module with slow but continued progress on the Albion station. Till next time........
I originally built the extension a bit too short to accommodate a run-around track, which made it less than ideal. Also, it had to propped up with something on one end, which made it impractical. So, I extended it 12-inches, and added foldable legs and wires to power the track.
Wow, does it make operations more enjoyable! The layout/module is now a layout and not a switching puzzle. Before, you had to really watch train length and were limited in moves by the two tail tracks. Now you can use all the length needed, which makes operation much more prototypical and more enjoyable, plus there is somewhere to come from and go to complete the operation session. I should have done this a long time ago.
Also, work continues on the On2 WW&F Albion module with slow but continued progress on the Albion station. Till next time........
Monday, February 26, 2018
Heavy Motive Power
Last week our local On30 group had a get together/operations session at Mike's B&H On30 layout. I wanted to bring something to show and have had this loco sitting around 85% complete for quite a while. So, I finished it off and snapped some shots.
My Arroyo lighting is fairly bad for side shots but I think one can get the idea. The locomotive is a Bachmann On30 2-8-0, the one based on the M de M 30-inch line in Mexico. (Hey an actual 30-inch gauge prototype, of course no one models that!) A great locomotive with a tender. I have one that has been supped up to meet the prototype but when I saw the Backwoods Miniatures side tank build kit for the locomotive, I really wanted one. Backwoods no longer is in business but I picked my kit up, well, let's just say a long time ago.
I initially intended to re-gauge the loco to On3, which I did and it ran great! However, once I removed the tender, I just couldn't get the locomotive's electrical pickups to suffice for a 2-8-2T. So, I re-gauged it back to On3 with significant electrical pickup improvement.
The loco has a Soundtrax mini Tsumani with a current keeper and speaker in the cab and coal bunker. She runs very well and looks totally cool. The only problem is those steps are WIDE! My Arroyo module has some tight clearances, and the steps hit some of my turnout throws (Ooops! My bad). She's too big for the Arroyo anyway.
So, I took her down to Mike's for a test run. The last time I had her down there, the pony truck would short out on the cylinders on his 18-inch radius curves. So, I increased it's length by a tiny bit and wanted to see her turn the drivers on a longer run!
She ran quite well as expected but did have a couple of problems. Mike's turnout throws are based on HO clearances and her steps wouldn't clear them (sound familiar?). They also hit scenery on his 18-inch radius curves. I did get her to run well over a large portion of the back section of his layout but. I think she'll need 20-22-inch radius curves and a layout with proper On30 clearance's for scenery and turnouts. She's 98% complete, needs a little touch up painting and a little weathering.
She's looking for a good home.................
My Arroyo lighting is fairly bad for side shots but I think one can get the idea. The locomotive is a Bachmann On30 2-8-0, the one based on the M de M 30-inch line in Mexico. (Hey an actual 30-inch gauge prototype, of course no one models that!) A great locomotive with a tender. I have one that has been supped up to meet the prototype but when I saw the Backwoods Miniatures side tank build kit for the locomotive, I really wanted one. Backwoods no longer is in business but I picked my kit up, well, let's just say a long time ago.
I initially intended to re-gauge the loco to On3, which I did and it ran great! However, once I removed the tender, I just couldn't get the locomotive's electrical pickups to suffice for a 2-8-2T. So, I re-gauged it back to On3 with significant electrical pickup improvement.
The loco has a Soundtrax mini Tsumani with a current keeper and speaker in the cab and coal bunker. She runs very well and looks totally cool. The only problem is those steps are WIDE! My Arroyo module has some tight clearances, and the steps hit some of my turnout throws (Ooops! My bad). She's too big for the Arroyo anyway.
So, I took her down to Mike's for a test run. The last time I had her down there, the pony truck would short out on the cylinders on his 18-inch radius curves. So, I increased it's length by a tiny bit and wanted to see her turn the drivers on a longer run!
She ran quite well as expected but did have a couple of problems. Mike's turnout throws are based on HO clearances and her steps wouldn't clear them (sound familiar?). They also hit scenery on his 18-inch radius curves. I did get her to run well over a large portion of the back section of his layout but. I think she'll need 20-22-inch radius curves and a layout with proper On30 clearance's for scenery and turnouts. She's 98% complete, needs a little touch up painting and a little weathering.
She's looking for a good home.................
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Arroyo Scenery
With the snow and rain this weekend, I managed to get some scenery done this on the On30 Arroyo Mines layout. My Arizona Rock and Mineral order arrived along with some eBay purchased trees.
I'd say the greenery adds quite a bit to the layout. Fun placing the trees and some other small scenery items. My son thought it made a world of difference. I'm liking the results. Trees may look small but pictures of the Gilpin Tram show bare hills and small trees coming back up. They must have cleared the hills early for fuel.
The Benson Mine now has the upper roof on and the first coat of paint. Not pleased with the new paint I am using and will finish it up with remaining Floquil stock.
The whiting mine has made great progress. Just needs a roof! Working on it, the roof is a little more difficult due to the angle of the roof to back of the layout or someday, the backdrop.
The foreground cribbing is where the Grand Central gold mine will go. I purchased a kit for that one. Taking a brake from scratch building. I have an interior from Wisemann Model Services and am looking forward to getting the kit built; however, I would like to get the Whiting Mine done first.
I'd say the greenery adds quite a bit to the layout. Fun placing the trees and some other small scenery items. My son thought it made a world of difference. I'm liking the results. Trees may look small but pictures of the Gilpin Tram show bare hills and small trees coming back up. They must have cleared the hills early for fuel.
The Benson Mine now has the upper roof on and the first coat of paint. Not pleased with the new paint I am using and will finish it up with remaining Floquil stock.
The whiting mine has made great progress. Just needs a roof! Working on it, the roof is a little more difficult due to the angle of the roof to back of the layout or someday, the backdrop.
The foreground cribbing is where the Grand Central gold mine will go. I purchased a kit for that one. Taking a brake from scratch building. I have an interior from Wisemann Model Services and am looking forward to getting the kit built; however, I would like to get the Whiting Mine done first.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Whiting Mine on the Arroyo
Started the Whiting Mine, from the Gilpin Tram this weekend. Card stock, wood and something new, balsa foam. The rocks are a test from a cutoff, what is pictured is about 10-15 minutes of test carving. This stuff is amazing. I've held off using it for lack of need and skepticism. Well, its great! Should have the Whiting mine up and running soon. Of course, its kind of a 1/3 or less of the structure.......
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Sometimes You Just Don't Know................
Sometimes you just don't know what's going on around you. Local modelers may exist in your area and you just don't know it. I stumbled onto an O scale display layout in Pulaski, VA today. Pulaski is about 40 minutes down the road. The Raymond F. Ratliff Transportation Museum contains the Milton Brockmeyer Train Diorama. Milton lived in Pulaski and built an O scale, two-rail layout with the entire town, all the buildings in the town that existed in the late 1920's. Cool. They even scratch built a N&W 611 that used a sewing machine motor! The locomotive was very well built. Worth a stop.
During the last week and this weekend, I made some progress on the Arroyo Tram, On30 module. I kept passing it to work on other things and the "white" just bothered me. So......
I had to take a break as I ran out of Arizona Rock and Mineral scenery supplies. A quick search turned up their website, which is no longer working. However, they still have an eBay store, so off with some $$
On the Albion module, On2, I managed to get all the shingles on the Albion potato house, whew, no shingles for a while......
During the last week and this weekend, I made some progress on the Arroyo Tram, On30 module. I kept passing it to work on other things and the "white" just bothered me. So......
From this......
I had to take a break as I ran out of Arizona Rock and Mineral scenery supplies. A quick search turned up their website, which is no longer working. However, they still have an eBay store, so off with some $$
On the Albion module, On2, I managed to get all the shingles on the Albion potato house, whew, no shingles for a while......
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