Monday, May 6, 2024

May Update

 I have been working on little projects here and there as time permits. Reworking the track a little around Deer Creek, fixing up some On2 locomotives I recently purchased in and auction and painting some On2 cars from my friend Tom Sullivan. I'll provide an update on those later. For now, enjoy this poorly shot video of the coal turn on the DC&L RY from this weekend. I really need to get a tripod for the cell phone!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Another Car for Live Loads

 I started a prototype live load coal car last fall and during the design progression I started modifying the Berkshire Valley Models ore cars that I had. Only when I had a car design almost completed, did I realize that it wouldn't work. The mechanism would hit the trucks! I had not paid close attention to the depth of this car compared to my scratch built car. During the build, I had taken two of my already built kits and modified them.... only to learn that it wouldn't work!!! I boxed them up in frustration and set them aside.

Today I finished three new cars and had time to go back and look at this previous design. With some modifications, I think I can make it work.......

Sometimes it pays to set things aside, work on another project and come back with a new perspective. At least, I find this often works for me.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

New Techniques = New Potential/Opportunities

I recently had the opportunity to try my hand at building a 3D-printed log car and a flat car designed by a friend. These even included Russell car and foundry trucks. I've constructed a few cars based on other's designs in the past, see the On2 KC boxcar, the On2 KC gondolas, and the On30 hopper cars. My previous efforts were from scaling up HOn30 designs. While the prints came out exceptionally well, they are rather thick-walled for the scaled-up version. These two cars were also more complete, with coupler pockets, truss rods, etc., already built into the design. Amazing detail and fun to build cars. Very interesting technique of using metal rods in the middle and side sills for weight. I enjoyed building these; I think I just like building cars..........And, of course, provided feedback on the designs. My friend is an amazing designer both at 3D CAD and at making new ideas work. A pleasure to have the opportunity to give these a try. A different experience from building with wood and styrene. What the future holds...........

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tribute to the Cairo and Kanawha RY

As I plan for the future, I need something to haul passengers with that wold be less fancy than what would be considered for busy, larger scale narrow gauge passenger service. Something that would represent what would be used in a mixed train that had low passenger volume. Reaching out to one of my favorite narrow gauges, the Cairo and Kanawha, I decided to model the likeness of one of their combines. The car was clearly modified from an older, less fancy passenger car. Note the narrow baggage compartment door and the boarded up rear window. Oddly, this car has no lamp vents on the roof. Their second combine did have such vents. 

I used a Bachmann On30 passenger car to capture the likeness. I say likeness as the letter board is clearly too tall, the need platforms to short and the steps the wrong type. Maybe I will modify those steps.....

The prototype car clearly was lower to the ground. Many of these style cars used less expensive arch bar type trucks and smaller diameter wheels. I guess to lower the cost? I'm sticking with modified Bachmann trucks (widened to On3) for now. Despite having the same number of windows and what appears to be reasonably window spacing, my car still seems short compared to the prototype.

For now, I am happy with the end result. I think it will look good behind my short mixed trains and captures the essence of a wonderful West Virginia narrow gauge. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fall Update

A few projects that I have been working on of late. Preparations for the future endeavors

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Donkey Assembly Line

A friend has been working hard on developing a 3D printed model of a two-drum American Hoist and Derrick donkey engine. I've been having so much fun building one, that it has turned into 4 in various states of completion. Amazing detail and amazing assembly. Quite the joy to build. Keeping me occupied at the workbench lately. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Ah, ha moment on the WW&F Modules

 I've had power trouble with several turnouts on my On2 Albion and Upper Wiscasset yard modules for quite a while. It was the first time I had not constructed my own turnouts on the workbench but used FastTracks turnout jigs. Also the first time using PC ties. My main locomotive, WW&F No 7 has poor electrical pickups and I've talked about adding additional wipers but haven't yet received the "round to it". I used Tam Valley Depot DCC Hex Frog Juicer's for both modules and thought the problem was due to them being overloaded or overworked when the Stay Alive capacitor was charging. The problem seemed to come and go and so I was never certain what the problem was. However, I was never going to use Frog Juicers again!

This weekend, the problem reared its ugly head while I was switching. To me, it really seemed as if there was no power at the frog. Being no 8 frogs, they are a bit long but why wouldn't they have power? Was it the Hex Juicer as I suspected? I finally pulled out the multi meter and ran some tests. Well, looks like on three turnouts, the point or through and diverging rails were NOT soldered to the PC tie with the wing rails! Who would have guessed. I know that they SHOULD have been soldered. Having always soldered my frogs and then painfully cleaned the flange gap out with files and other tools, I never suspected this to be an issue. While the jigs allowed me to not have to clean out the solder, it is a bit more difficult to make sure all these rails are soldered on the same PC tie. Yes, the instructions show to turn over the turnout and make sure to solder this area but it is really hard to see. 

Bottom line: The Tam Valley Depot DCC Hex Frog Juicer's are working great and now my locomotive works excellent. No loss of power! Happy running trains again.